
Cleaning up

  • Disposable materials, including PPE should be sealed into refuse bags and disposed of outside of the building
  • Tools and equipment should be washed thoroughly in hot water with domestic detergent and left to air dry
  • All work surfaces should be wiped down using a 70% industrial methylated spirit (IMS)/ethanol in water solution and disposable tissue
  • Good hand hygiene should be practiced at all stages

Post-treatment activities

Things to consider or undertake after treatment:

  • Document all findings and treatments carried out for future reference
  • Plan for future spot checks to ensure regrowth has not occurred, or that mould is not present elsewhere in your collection – where relevant, this should include building checks
  • Be aware that reactivation of mould growth may occur if treated material is returned to unsuitable environmental conditions – ensure affected housing materials are replaced and that storage environments are monitored
  • Isolate and examine new accessions on arrival to limit cross-contamination
  • Implement education and training for staff in mould identification, recovery and remediation to underpin preservation of the collection