Our taught sessions and online resources cover a variety of time periods and places. Many contain structured investigations for use directly in the classroom. Others are more suited for research and preparation. They all allow access into our unique collections.
Showing 46 resources
Classroom resource
1833 Factory Act
Did it solve the problems of children in factories?
Classroom resource
1834 Poor Law
What did people think of the new Poor Law?
Atlas of Illustrated Feelings
How are you feeling today?
Craft Club – Christmas Cards
Festive pop-up cards
Creating an Imaginary Archive
What would you collect?
Classroom resource
Florence Nightingale
Why do we remember her?
Classroom resource
Great Fire of London: Examine the evidence
Was the fire caused by ‘treachery or chance’ or ‘heavy judgement’?
Session we teach
Great Fire of London: examine the evidence
How can we know what happened back in 1666?
Classroom resource
Great Fire of London: how London changed
What happened?
Classroom resource
Great Plague of 1665-1666
How did London respond to it?
Classroom resource
Henry VIII court rules
How did Henry VIII get up in the morning?
Session we teach
Henry’s royal rules (SEND)
What were the rules of daily life for a king in Tudor times?
Classroom resource
Life aboard the Titanic
Who travelled on the fateful maiden voyage?
Classroom resource
Life in 1950s Britain
What can we find out about life in 1950s Britain using documents from the time?
Classroom resource
Life in 1960s Britain
What can we find out about life in 1960s Britain using documents from the time?
Classroom resource
Queen Anne
How can we find out about her?
Classroom resource
Role of a Queen – Mary I and Anne
What can we find out about the roles of Queen Mary I and Queen Anne?
Classroom resource
Role of a Queen – Matilda and Elizabeth I
How has the role of Queen changed from the past?
Samuel Pepys
What does his will reveal?
Classroom resource
Significant Events
What happened then?
Classroom resource
Significant People
Who is who?
Classroom resource
Significant People
Key Stage One Activity Book
Classroom resource
Significant Places
What's in a place?
Session we teach
Significant Women
What can documents tell us about significant women’s lives?
Classroom resource
Suffragettes ‘in Trousers’
How did men support votes for women?
Classroom resource
Suffragettes on file
What did the struggle for the vote involve?
Classroom resource
The Great Seal
What can it tell us?
Classroom resource
The King, the Crown and the Colonel
How did Thomas Blood try to steal the Crown Jewels in 1671?
Classroom resource
The Search for ‘Terra Australis’
What did Captain Cook’s secret mission involve?
The Yellow Bicycle
A story of migration
Time Travel Club Activities
Discovering The National Archives
Session we teach
Travel smart through time (SEND)
How and why have people travelled around in the past and how have they done it safely?
Classroom resource
Uncovering the past
How can we use photographs to find out about the past?
Classroom resource
Walter Tull
How can we use sources to find out about him?
Classroom resource
What is a Jubilee?
What can we find out about Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee?