Our taught sessions and online resources cover a variety of time periods and places. Many contain structured investigations for use directly in the classroom. Others are more suited for research and preparation. They all allow access into our unique collections.
Showing 158 resources
Classroom resource
1833 Factory Act
Did it solve the problems of children in factories?
Classroom resource
1834 Poor Law
What did people think of the new Poor Law?
Classroom resource
19th century mining disaster
What happened at the Trimdon Grange Mining Disaster?
Classroom resource
19th century people
What can we tell from this photograph?
20sStreets – Teacher’s Notes
What can archives reveal about people’s lives in the 1920s?
Session we teach
4099 is my name (SEND)
How can we share the experiences of someone who lived in the past?
A Great Christmas Inconvenience
What can we learn from the documents about how some Victorians celebrated Christmas?
A Significant Person
Why is this person from the past remembered?
Classroom resource
All on board!
What can we learn from old board games?
All Work and No Play
What does this document reveal about work in the past?
Session we teach
Ancient Egypt in the Archives
What can documents tell us about the process of archaeological digs?
Classroom resource
Anglo-Saxons – Gift from a King
What was Anglo-Saxon society like?
Animals in the Archives
What jobs have animals done in times of war and peace?
Archaeology in the Archives
What kinds of documents can tell us about the work of archaeologists?
Archives Ahoy!
What can we learn about pirates from our collection?
Classroom resource
Archives Live: D-Day
Resource pack
Classroom resource
Archives Live: Windrush 75
Special live event from The National Archives
Atlas of Illustrated Feelings
How are you feeling today?
Session we teach
Black Victorians
How much can documents reveal about the lives of Black people in Victorian Britain?
Classroom resource
Capturing our Collections
Artworks inspired by documents found in The National Archives
Classroom resource
Caribbean history in photographs
What can these photographs tell us?
Case Study A – Tower Hamlets
101 Grove Road
Case Study B – Tower Hamlets
68 Grove Road
Case Study C – Wakefield
24 Thornes Lane
Case Study D – Wakefield
68 Thornes Lane Wharf
Case Study E – Accrington
38 Park Road
Case Study F – Accrington
68 Park Road
Case Study G – Falmouth
3 Lister Street
Case Study H – Falmouth
42 Lister Street
Classroom resource
Census detective
What can you find out?
Census Detectives
What does the census reveal about families in the past?
Classroom resource
What was Chertsey like in the Middle Ages?
Classroom resource
Child migration
Why were children sent to Canada in 1869-1913?
Classroom resource
Children’s Clothing in the Workhouse
What do the letters tell us about pauper children's clothing in the workhouse?
Codes and Secret Messages
What do the documents reveal about codes and secret messages?
Craft Club – Christmas Cards
Festive pop-up cards
Creating a zig-zag journey book
Refugee Week 2021
Creating an Imaginary Archive
What would you collect?
What is this curious object?
Dear Herbert
What can personal documents reveal about people’s lives?
Disaster at Sea
How can we find out about significant events in the past?
Classroom resource
Discover the Dissolution
How did the Dissolution change my local area?
Classroom resource
Domesday Book
What can we learn about England in the 11th century?
Session we teach
Domesday Book: medieval treasure
What can we learn about people’s lives in 1086?
Classroom resource
Edward the Confessor
What does the Domesday Abbreviato tells us about Edward the Confessor?
Classroom resource
Elizabethan propaganda
How did England try to show Spain planned to invade in 1588?
Classroom resource
Empire Windrush: Caribbean migration
Why did people from the Caribbean travel to live and work in Britain?
Classroom resource
Empire Windrush: Early Black Presence
What do the sources reveal about an early Black presence in Britain?
Classroom resource
Empire Windrush: Life for Migrants in the 1940s and 50s
What do these documents reveal about life for Caribbean migrants to Britain in the 1940s and 1950s?
Classroom resource
Empire Windrush: The Notting Hill Carnival
What do the sources reveal about the significance of the Notting Hill Carnival and why it began?
Classroom resource
England’s Immigrants, 1330-1550
Downloads for teachers
Classroom resource
Evacuation to Canada
How much care was really taken?
Classroom resource
Evacuation to Shropshire
What happened to children who were sent away?
Classroom resource
Florence Nightingale
Why do we remember her?
Classroom resource
Food Glorious Food
What was food like for a child in the Victorian workhouse?
Classroom resource
Foundling Hospital
What were conditions like for children in the care of the Foundling Hospital?
Session we teach
Four days’ hard labour
What was life like for a Victorian child criminal?
Fun in the Files
What can our documents reveal about how people had fun in the past?
Classroom resource
God blew and they were scattered
Did God really help the English defeat the Spanish Armada?
Classroom resource
Going to School in the Workhouse
How was school for pauper children different, and what was the same?
Classroom resource
Gordon Ford’s story
What was it like to be an airman in the Second World War?
Classroom resource
Government posters
How did Britain encourage people at home to help win the war?
Classroom resource
Great Fire of London: Examine the evidence
Was the fire caused by ‘treachery or chance’ or ‘heavy judgement’?
Classroom resource
Great Fire of London: how London changed
What happened?
Classroom resource
Great Plague of 1665-1666
How did London respond to it?
Classroom resource
Gunpowder Plot
Can you uncover the plans of the plotters?
Session we teach
Henry VIII: image of a king
Was appearance everything for a ruler in the 16th century?
Session we teach
Henry’s royal rules (SEND)
What were the rules of daily life for a king in Tudor times?
Classroom resource
Holding History
What is 'The National Archives'?
Holidays are Here!
What can our documents reveal about how families enjoyed summer holidays during the Second World War?
Classroom resource
How we were taught
What was school like 100 years ago?
Classroom resource
What is The National Archives?
Classroom resource
Life aboard the Titanic
Who travelled on the fateful maiden voyage?
Classroom resource
Life in 1950s Britain
What can we find out about life in 1950s Britain using documents from the time?
Classroom resource
Life in 1960s Britain
What can we find out about life in 1960s Britain using documents from the time?
Living under canvas
What can this document tell us about the experience of a group of refugee children?
Session we teach
Living under canvas: Child refugee stories
What can we learn from documents about the experiences of Basque child refugees?
Classroom resource
Magna Carta teacher’s resources
Downloads for teachers
Session we teach
Mapping London
How and why does an area change over time?
Session we teach
What do the documents reveal about the hidden world of MI5?
Classroom resource
Murder at Kirk o’ Field
What happened in 1567?
Classroom resource
Past pleasures
How did the Victorians have fun?
How can art be used to convey a message?
Session we teach
Propaganda: the art of persuasion
How did the British government encourage people to support the war?
Classroom resource
Queen Anne
How can we find out about her?
Classroom resource
Rebecca riots
What happened during them?
Classroom resource
Rob Roy
A Victorian railway accident
Classroom resource
Role of a Queen – Mary I and Anne
What can we find out about the roles of Queen Mary I and Queen Anne?
Classroom resource
Role of a Queen – Matilda and Elizabeth I
How has the role of Queen changed from the past?
Samuel Pepys
What does his will reveal?
Classroom resource
Say ‘cheese’: a portrait of Queen Victoria’s family
What can Queen Victoria's family photographs tell us?
Classroom resource
Selling the Victorians
Victorians for sale! Has advertising changed from Victorian times?
Signed, Sealed, Delivered
What can an object reveal about its owner and life in Medieval England?
Classroom resource
Significant Events
What happened then?
Classroom resource
Significant People
Who is who?
Classroom resource
Significant Places
What's in a place?
Classroom resource
What can original documents tell us about the history of sugar?
The Beautiful Game
What can our documents reveal about an incredible sports match?
Classroom resource
The Great Seal
What can it tell us?
Classroom resource
The Home Front
How did people prepare for the war at home?
Classroom resource
The King, the Crown and the Colonel
How did Thomas Blood try to steal the Crown Jewels in 1671?
Classroom resource
The Search for ‘Terra Australis’
What did Captain Cook’s secret mission involve?
Session we teach
The Sinking of the Titanic
Why were so many lives lost in the disaster?
The Yellow Bicycle
A story of migration
Time Travel Club Activities
Discovering The National Archives
Session we teach
Travel smart through time (SEND)
How and why have people travelled around in the past and how have they done it safely?
Session we teach
What 'treasures' are there at The National Archives?
Classroom resource
What was it like living in a late 19th century mining town?
TTTV: Refugee Week 2021
What can we learn from documents about Basque children’s experiences in refugee camps?
Classroom resource
Tudor Entertainment
What was the effect of the early playhouses?
Tudors: Image of a King
How did monarchs present an ‘image’ of themselves in the past?
Classroom resource
Uncovering the past
How can we use photographs to find out about the past?
Session we teach
Unmasking a spy
Who was Karel Richter?
Classroom resource
Victorian children in trouble with the law
Did the punishment fit the crime?
Classroom resource
Victorian family history
How can we find out about the life of a Victorian child?
Classroom resource
Victorian Food and Drink
What do old adverts reveal?
Classroom resource
Victorian homes
Was there much difference between rich and poor homes?
Classroom resource
Victorian lives
How was life different in Victorian times?
Classroom resource
Victorian Railways
Did they create more crime?
Classroom resource
Walter Tull
How can we use sources to find out about him?
Classroom resource
What is a Jubilee?
What can we find out about Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee?
Session we teach
What is history?
How do historians work out what happened in the past?
Classroom resource
Who was Noor Khan?
What can documents reveal about her role during the Second World War?
Classroom resource
William Shakespeare
What can we find out about his life?
Classroom resource
Workhouse Voices Creative Writing
Stories inspired by letters from the past