Three women linking arms. Cat ref: Coal 80/673/013 Accessions to repositories
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Index of repositories with major accessions in 2022



Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives: Old Aberdeen House Branch

Aberdeen University, Special Collections Centre

Abertay University Archives

Archifau Ynys Mon / Anglesey Archives

Archives and Cornish Studies Service (formerly Cornwall Record Office)

ARK: Archive Resource for Knowsley


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Bangor University, Archives and Special Collections

Barnsley Archive and Local Studies Department

Bath Record Office

Bath University Archives

Bedfordshire Archives & Records Service

Berkshire Record Office

Berwick-upon-Tweed Record Office

Bexley Local Studies and Archive Centre

Birmingham: Archives, Heritage and Photography Service

Bishopsgate Institute

Borthwick Institute for Archives: University of York

Bradford University: JB Priestley Library

Brent Archives

Bristol Archives

Bristol University Information Services: Special Collections

British Library, Manuscript Collections

British Library, Music Collections

British Library: Asian and African Studies

Britten-Pears Foundation

Bromley Historic Collections

Bury Museum and Archives


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Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide

Cambridge University Library: Department of Manuscripts and University Archives

Cambridge University: Churchill Archives Centre

Cambridge University: King's College Archive Centre

Cambridge University: Scott Polar Research Institute

Cambridge University: Trinity Hall

Cambridgeshire Archives

Canterbury Cathedral Archives and Library

Carmarthenshire Archive Service

Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies

Ceredigion Archives

Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

Chetham's Library

City of Westminster Archives Centre

Conwy Archive Service

Coventry Archives

Coventry University, Lanchester Library

Cumbria Archive and Local Studies Centre, Barrow

Cumbria Archive and Local Studies Centre, Whitehaven

Cumbria Archive Centre, Carlisle

Cumbria Archive Centre, Kendal


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Denbighshire Archives

Derbyshire Record Office

Devon Archives and Local Studies Service (South West Heritage Trust)

Dorset History Centre

Dudley Archives and Local History Service

Dumfries and Galloway Archives

Dundee City Archives

Dundee University Archive, Records Management and Museum Services

Durham County Record Office


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East Dunbartonshire Archives: Bearsden

East Dunbartonshire Archives: Kirkintilloch

East Riding of Yorkshire Archives and Local Studies Service

East Sussex Record Office

Edinburgh City Archives

Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections

Essex Record Office

Explore York Libraries & Archives


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Flintshire Record Office


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Glamorgan Archives

Glasgow City Archives

Glasgow University Archive Services

Glasgow University Library, Special Collections Department

Gloucestershire Archives

Greater Manchester County Record Office (with Manchester Archives)

Gwent Archives


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Hackney Archives

Hampshire Archives and Local Studies

Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre

Heriot-Watt University Heritage Service

Heritage Quay - University of Huddersfield Archives

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies

Highgate School Archives

Highland Archives

Highland Archives: Lochaber Archive Centre

Highland Archives: Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre

Hillingdon Local Studies, Archives and Museums Service

Historic England Archive

Historic Environment Scotland (formerly RCAHMS)

History of Advertising Trust Archive

Hull History Centre (Hull City Archives)

Hull History Centre (Hull Local Studies)

Hull History Centre (Hull University Archives)

Huntingdonshire Archives


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Imperial War Museum Department of Documents

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Archives

Institution of Mechanical Engineers Archive

Island Archives, Guernsey

Isle of Man Public Record Office

Isle of Wight Record Office


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Jersey Archive


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Kent History and Library Centre

King's College London: College Archives

King's College London: Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives

King's College, Taunton

Kingston History Centre


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Labour History Archive and Study Centre (People's History Museum)

Lambeth Archives

Lambeth Palace Library

Lancashire Archives

Leeds University Library, Special Collections

Leicester University Library: Special Collections

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland, Record Office for

Lincolnshire Archives

Linnean Society of London

Liverpool Record Office

London Metropolitan Archives: City of London

London University: Goldsmiths Library: Special Collections and Archives

London University: Institute of Commonwealth Studies

London University: Institute of Education

London University: Institute of Modern Languages Research

London University: London School of Economics Library, Archives and Special Collections

London University: London School of Economics, The Women's Library

London University: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

London University: Queen Mary University of London

London University: School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)

London University: Senate House Library

London University: University College London (UCL) Special Collections

Lothian Health Services Archive


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Manchester Archives and Local Studies

Manchester Metropolitan University Library

Manchester University: University of Manchester Library

Manx National Heritage Library & Archives

Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre

Mills Archive

Museum of Croydon

Museum of English Rural Life


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National Army Museum Templer Study Centre

National Art Library, Victoria & Albert Museum

National Gallery Research Centre

National Library of Scotland, Manuscript Collections

National Library of Wales: Department of Collection Services

National Maritime Museum: The Caird Library and Archive

National Museum of the Royal Navy

National Museums Liverpool: Maritime Archives and Library

National Portrait Gallery

National Science and Media Museum

Norfolk Record Office

North Devon Record Office (South West Heritage Trust)

North East Lincolnshire Archives

North Yorkshire County Record Office

Northamptonshire Archives

Northumberland Archives

Nottingham University Library, Department of Manuscripts and Special Collections

Nottinghamshire Archives

Nucleus: The Nuclear and Caithness Archives (Caithness Archives)


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Oldham Local Studies & Archives

Orkney Archive

Oxford Brookes University: Special Collections

Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections

Oxford University: Griffith Institute

Oxford University: Regent's Park College, Angus Library and Archive

Oxford University: St Antony's College: Middle East Centre Archive

Oxfordshire History Centre


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Parliamentary Archives

Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art

Pembrokeshire Archives and Local Studies

Perth and Kinross Council Archive

Peterborough Archives

Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Portsmouth History Centre

Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI)

Pusey House Library


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Representative Church Body Library

Richmond upon Thames Local Studies Library and Archive

Rochdale Local Studies and Archive

Rotherham Archives and Local Studies

Royal College of Midwives Archives

Royal College of Nursing Archives

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Royal College of Physicians of London

Royal Opera House Collections

Royal Society


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Science and Industry Museum

Science Museum Library and Archives

Scottish Borders Archive and Local History Centre

Search Engine (National Railway Museum)

Sheffield City Archives

Sheffield University Library

Sheffield University: National Fairground Archive and Circus Archive

Shropshire Archives

Somerset Heritage Centre (South West Heritage Trust)

Southampton Archives Office

Southwark Local History Library and Archive

Special Collections, The Mitchell Library

St George's Chapel Archives and Chapter Library

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Staffordshire County Record Office

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Stoke-on-Trent City Archives

Stockport Archive Service

Strathclyde University Archives

Surrey History Centre

Sussex University Library Special Collections

Swansea University: Richard Burton Archives


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Tate Gallery Archive

Teesside Archives

The Postal Museum

Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archives

Trinity College Dublin

Tyne and Wear Archives


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University of Birmingham: Cadbury Research Library: Special Collections

University of Bristol: Theatre Collection

University of East Anglia Archives

University of Exeter Library (Special Collections)

University of Kent: Special Collections & Archives

University of Liverpool: Special Collections and Archives

University of Reading: Special Collections

University of Southampton Library


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V&A Archive of Art and Design

V&A Department of Theatre and Performance


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Walsall Archives

Warwick University: Modern Records Centre

Warwickshire County Record Office

Wellcome Collection

West Dunbartonshire Council Archive Services: Clydebank Library

West Dunbartonshire Council Archive Services: Dumbarton Library

West Glamorgan Archive Service

West Sussex Record Office

West Yorkshire Archive Service, Bradford

West Yorkshire Archive Service, Calderdale

West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds

West Yorkshire Archive Service, Wakefield

Wigan Archives and Local Studies

Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre

Wirral Archives Service

Wolverhampton City Archives

Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service

Working Class Movement Library


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York and Lancaster Regimental Museum